Moving to Blogger Beta

This blog may look as it always has but things have changed. Last night, after cringing and chuckling my way through Bridget Jones’s Diary (the movie), I shifted my blog over to Blogger Beta. It took me hours to reconstruct the look of this blog.

The only reason for me to shift is to make use of the ‘Labels’ functionality. I love putting things in categories. Last night, instead of sleeping or doing my homework, I labelled 100 of my most recent posts. Talk about a waste of time.

However, with the shift to Beta, I’ve now lost my ‘Recent comments’ list. The hack I was using no longer works. This updated template has a recent comments feed. Unfortunately, it only displays 25 of the oldests comments on this blog, comments that date back to mid-2004.

When they fix this bug, I’ll be able to display the RSS feed in my sidebar, hurrah.

I was thinking about how I would be if I were 30, single, and 10 kg overweight. Would I be as downtrodden and desperate as Bridget Jones? I think that at times I would be. If you’re over 30 and haven’t had a serious relationship for some years, then you can’t help but wonder if this is going to be the trajectory for the rest of your life.

I also believe I have a greater sense of self-worth than Bridget and would never index my value to the amount of attention I get from inconsiderate men. But who knows what I’ll be like after being starved of affirmation and recognition for a few years.

Updated 11:01 PM
I decided I liked the ‘recent comments’ functionality more than the labels so I’ve reverted back to my old template. I’ll jump on the Beta Bandwagon when they’ve sorted out the issues with the comments feed.

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