
Damjan and I were on a mission. We were at Kensington High Street on the hunt for Damjan’s rejuvenated summer wardrobe. The targets were:

  • Linen 3/4 length trousers
  • Short sleeved shirts
  • Sandals

Marks & Spencers was a gold mine. Within 15 minutes of browsing, we had bundled together six items and were heading to the change rooms so that Damjan could try them on.

‘That’s quite nice,’ I said, spotting a mannequin reclining on a high podium in the middle of the men’s department. The mannequin was sporting a light blue chequered short sleeved shirt. It looked chilled out, the very essence of summer.

Damjan went up to the mannequin and reached up to inspect the fabric. ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘I think I like it too. Let’s find it.’

For three minutes, we dashed around the podium. There were a few similar shirts but nothing quite the same.

We found someone at the change room to help us.

‘Excuse me,’ Damjan said. ‘I’m interested in a shirt that a mannequin is wearing but I can’t find it.’

‘I’ll come and have a look for it,’ the assistant said, ‘but it might be out of stock.’

‘Well, the shirt on the mannequin is my size… If it is the last one, can we buy it?’

‘I think so but I’ll have to ask the floor manager.’

Damjan arrived at the podium where I was waiting, bringing with him the shop assistant, the floor manager and someone who happened to be nearby inspecting M&S stock.

Before I knew it, they had wheeled over a ladder and were trying to undress the mannequin.

‘I can’t get it off,’ the floor manager said, struggling with the sleeve.

‘Trying twisting his arm backwards,’ said the inspector.

‘Lift him up off the display,’ suggested the shop assistant.

‘All this for a shirt,’ the floor manager grumbled with a smile. ‘I’ll bet he’s worn this one for weeks… Got it!’

With a flourish, she removed the top, revealing a white t-shirt underneath. The blue shirt was passed down the chain of people to Damjan.

‘Great! I’ll try it on now.’ he said.

Thankfully, after all that trouble, it does fit. Damjan looks rather fetching in it. It complements his dark hair.

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