I’ve got about ten blog posts in my head and I feel like I’m going to burst if I don’t put them down. I wish I could space them out so that you can read them at your leisure but I fear I’m going to lose a few of you with this current deluge of entries. Ah well. I guess this blog is as much for me as for you.
Yesterday, a friend who I call Dr Jason (to distinguish him from my brother Jason) came over and we went out to take photos of Cambridge. Cambridge is showing off at the moment. It’s saying, ‘Look at me! I’m so pretty, all these lovely people playing frisbee and having picnics, they like me and so should you.’
Mill Road Cemetery
I like taking photos at graveyards. The first four photos are from Mill Road Cemetery, a large, beautiful and artfully wild place. When my parents were here, they walked around town by themselves while I did my homework. They’re the ones who told me about this place.
I found I liked the angels the best of all the gravestones.
Is it disrespectful to be playing frisbee in a graveyard? This is a question obviously not troubling the dog.
There were surprisingly many people sunbathing in the graveyard. Dr Jason said, ‘What are they doing, lying there?’
I said, ‘Maybe they’re practicing.’
Egyptian Pharaohs were buried with camels so that they had transport in the next world. Vikings were buried with ships. Here in Cambridge, bicycles are the transport mode of choice.
Cows at Midsummer Common
After the mad cow disease breakout, cows were banned from grazing at Midsummer Common, a big green space just east of the town centre. The bans were just lifted and cows were celebrating, buffet-style.
Hey, stop making cow-eyes at my girl!
Watching all the cows go for the drinking trough, it suddenly dawned on me that they were herd animals. Where one goes, the others follow. Like sheep, really.
Mmm… oooooo.
Walking along the River Cam
No story behind this photo except that the webbing and the colour scheme made me think of Spider-Man, the movies. The third one is being released soon and ‘they’ say that it’s the best of the series. That’s a pretty tall order. The other two were good.
Like at Oxford, people live in canal boats. Who needs a backyard when you have a roof? Notice the pub in the background — ‘The Boathouse‘. How’s that for clever photographic composition? Applause, please, applause!
Modern art at Jesus College
Dr Jason, formerly of Jesus College, took me on a tour of his old stomping ground.
Jesus College’s gardens are full of modern art. I don’t know how modern this horse sculpture is, really. It does look nice with the wisteria in the background.
The final four photos are of the same twisty glass sculpture, post-processed in different ways. We think that despite being solid, the sculpture probably has something to do with DNA.