Tag: young professional

On the radio today

If you were listening to By Design on Radio National this morning, you would have heard me being interviewed about community scale retrofit of homes.

A friend put me in touch with the show’s presenter, Fenella Kernebone. Fenella suggested I pop into the ABC studios to do the interview by tardis.

I thought the TARDIS comment was a geek joke until the ABC security guard at the front desk asked, ‘Are you here for the TARDIS?’

Tardis studio at ABC Southbank
Tardis studio at ABC Southbank

The fine print on the sign explains that the most remarkable characteristic of a TARDIS is that its interior is much larger than it appears from the outside.

In a small booth with a big mike
In a small booth with a big mike

I’ve now been interviewed by journalists four times (twice for newspaper, twice for radio). It’s always hard for me to predict what the end product will be.

My company gave me media training last year and I learned that I should always prepare a key message and back it up with three lines of evidence.

In most cases, if you tell the story clearly enough that the journalist can use it verbatim, then you’re doing them a favour.

I think I need more practice.

New job, new desk

This year, I am seconded into another company. Being seconded means that my own company has ‘loaned’ me out. My original company still pays me directly and my new company pays my home company for my time.

Since I started working, I have been on three secondments. The first time I was asked to go on secondment, I was unsure. The job sounded boring. My managers were keen that I accepted the role; there was no one available to do it.

I went to my mentor for advice. She said, ‘Always accept secondments. You end up learning a lot from them.’

It’s true. Every time I leave my home company, I meet new people, get new skills, and end up being able to tell people about my unique experiences.

My first stint was for a government agency in the UK. I researched and implemented approaches to dealing with the social aspects of sustainability in road projects.

My second secondment was for a rail project in outer suburban Melbourne. I managed environmental issues on a big and fast moving construction site. This was a terrifying and effective way to learn local legislation quickly and practice how to persuade construction workers to do things that slowed them down.

My current job is to find ways to fund low carbon and efficient energy, water and waste systems in a large inner Melbourne development. This is the first time I have worked as the ‘client’, commissioning engineers to do studies for a project.

Anyway, so this has been a long introduction to what I really want to talk about. At my new company, we use laptops instead of desktop computers. Rather than clicking into a docking station, the laptop hovers above the desk like this.

Computer at work
Computer at work
The laptop screen is 15.4 inches, which is probably the smallest I would want for an everyday computer monitor. Isn’t it a strange set up? I suppose it saves the money needed for a monitor and a docking station.

An academic career

I’ve been teaching final year civil and environmental engineering students at Monash University. To celebrate the end of the year, I was invited to the department dinner where I sat next to Dr Dave and talked about sustainability.

‘It’s hard,’ Dave said. ‘We all want to make money.’ Dave noticed my expresion change. ‘You do want to make money, right?’ he prompted.

‘Umm, well… I have a mortgage… as long as I can pay that, then no, I don’t need to make a heap of money,’ I ventured.

Dave looked at me intently and suddenly lit up. ‘Well! If you don’t mind about money, you could go into academia! It’s such a great job, you know. You can make a real difference though teaching. Nothing is as effective as influencing people through teaching. Especially if money isn’t that important to you.’

Not part of the club

I was going to Sydney for a workshop and it happened that a member of the Board group was also going. We met up at the end of the day before to check in online. This way we could sit together.

‘Bye, Joan!’ he said after it was done. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow at the Qantas Club!’

In dismay, I called after him, ‘I’m not a member of the Qantas Club…’

The next day, I had to loiter in the food court and wait for my colleague to arrive so that I could tail him into the Qantas Club.

Snake on a road!

I’ve been working on a construction site. As we were driving yesterday, we were stopped in our tracks by an eastern brown snake. It was big — about five foot, or as long as I am tall. It fat, as thick as my wrist.

It was also deadly. The eastern brown snake is the ‘second most toxic land snake in the world’, according to Wikipedia.

We got out of the 4WD to take photos. The snake looked at us for a while, then darted very fast into the grass next to the road. It was beautiful and wriggly.

Sunbathing on the road -- snake
Sunbathing on the road -- snake
We use the zoom lens -- these things move fast!
We use the zoom lens -- these things move fast!
Ah, look at its beady eyes
Ah, look at its beady eyes

Frustrating types

There are (at least) two types of report readers in the world.

  1. People who want to follow you as you work through to the answer
  2. People who want to know the answer straight away

This causes much frustration in report writing because each type of reader thinks, ‘Obviously, you need to give me the “so what” first’, or ‘Obviously, your report doesn’t make sense unless you build it up from strong foundations’.

Type 1 people

  • Scientists and anyone with Dr in their name
  • Public servants

Type 2 people

  • Lawyers
  • Architects
  • Chiefs

I used to write Type 1 reports. Then one project involving lots of lawyers turned me into a Type 2 report writer. This has worked well for me recently, as I’ve been working with architects and urban designers.

Right now, though, I am now turning a Type 2 report into a Type 1 report because the client is a scientist plus a public servant. Sadly, we actually want Type 2 people to read this report but can’t say no to the Type 1 client body.

(There is a halfway house on this — long executive summaries. But it’s not a perfect solution.)

Stilettos on the dance floor

I was lucky timing my transfer from London to Melbourne. I arrived in time for the annual staff cocktail party. The theme was Jungle Fever.

Colleagues in Melbourne seem much quicker to get on the dance floor than my London workmates. And it was a pretty spectacular dance floor, filled with lions, giraffes, gorillas, indigenous warriors, big game hunters and colonialists.

I was in the middle of a particularly fun jig when my left foot was stabbed with a stiletto. Ouch! I stared in horror at the perpetrator and she looked vaguely at me before floating off. I don’t think she realised what she did.

I did bleed a bit and my foot is still sore three days later.

Working at altitude

Last week, I moved to the Melbourne office and I’m now sitting on the 17th floor of my new building. In my old building, I used to climb up the stairs to the 5th floor. Now, I take the lift.

Usually, there are at least two stops on the way up and down. However, I got peckish today and took the lift down at 10:30am. This is an off peak period; I was the only person in the lift.

There were no stops so as the lift accelerated down, I felt my ears pop.